Thursday, September 20, 2012

Student Bubbles

Today, my pre-AP students were presenting different Shakespeare plays. One of the groups was doing Hamlet. For the scene where Ophelia dies, they created a cardboard lake. Ophelia sank behind it. Then blew soap bubbles. How smart and creative is that?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shrunken Heads

So, today Josh was watching this British tv show called QI. They were talking about the most effective way to weigh your own head. Anyhow, I don't know what they said that made Josh pause and demand that when he dies I carry around his head in a velvet bag.
I asked him if I could shrink it first, and he said yes. I actually know how to shrink a head (theoretically; I've never actually tried it), but I figured I'd look for instructions, just to be sure. So, in case you are interested, here is a site you can go to for directions: How to Prepare a Shrunken Head.

You're welcome.