Friday, October 15, 2010

Safety Pin Philosophy

This morning I was frantically searching for safety pins. I knew that they had been on the side table in the living room, but they weren't there anymore. I could not for the life of me remember putting them anywhere else, and I had asked Josh the day before if he knew where they were, and he hadn't responded.

This morning, though, Josh said, "Check in the third-drawer-down in the kitchen."

Now, the third-drawer-down in the kitchen contains little-used kitchen items such as cookie-cutters, a meat mallet, and other random items. Including, this morning, a box of safety pins.

I knew that I had not put them there, and I wondered what on earth would have made Josh think that was a good spot for them.  I fished one out muttering about his crazy tidying-up "skills."

When I got back to the bedroom, I asked Josh, "Why are the safety pins there? I mean what reason is there for them to be there?"

His reply: "Rachel, you aren't going to solve a question that safety pin philosophers have been asking for thousands of years - Why are we here? You aren't going to crack that one this morning."

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