Monday, November 1, 2010

Lost Marbles

For the last several weeks I seem to be more scatterbrained than usual. Maybe it’s because I am working full days now, and my brain is not quite used to it. Maybe it is the changing weather. All I know is that I think I’m losing my mind:

At least three times now, I have gone to go to the bathroom, and I have closed the toilet lid before sitting down. Not put the seat down, closed the lid.

Last week, my mom had to wave me down before I drove off with a drink on the top of my car.

A week ago on Saturday Josh made breakfast burritos. I put my tortilla on my plate, and put my eggs, sausage, cheese, and ketchup on top of that. Then I poured milk all over it.

Just the other day I had to stop myself in the middle of getting into the passenger side of my car when I was on the way to somewhere… by myself.

I left a huge pot of soup just sitting on the stove last night and had to send Josh home from Trunk or Treat to put it away.

I have lost things almost every day now for the past couple of weeks including my camera, my jump drive, my leggings for my Halloween Costume, my phone, Josh’s paycheck, my free drink from McDonald’s…

If anyone has seen any marbles rolling around, I need them back.

1 comment:

  1. it...
    PS--haven't seen any spare marbles.
