Wednesday, November 10, 2010


For the last couple of weeks, Josh and I have made a point of having date night every Thursday. Last week we went to HuHot and I discovered just how much I adore their peanut sauce.

We’ve also gone for bike rides, visited the Taco Wagon II, tried out The Pizza House and the Bistro downtown, taken pictures from the Walking Bridge, and had pumpkin concretes from Andy’s.

It’s made me think of other things I’ve done with Josh:

On our honeymoon in Hawaii, I got so mad at him when he couldn’t keep his facemask on while we were trying to snorkel. I think I saw a total of five fish that day, because Josh scared them all off with his thrashing.

In Turkey, Josh insisted that we miss our connecting flight on purpose so that we could tour Istanbul. We let a taxi driver who didn’t speak any English take us to a random hotel, we walked through Hagia Sophia half asleep, and we made our way across the country using trains, planes, buses, and taxis. Most of this was done between midnight and 5 o’clock a.m. We bought some strange meat from a bus terminal, and we got help from a Dutch lady who was trekking across Turkey with her boyfriend.

In Jordan, we walked along the same pathway into Petra that Indiana Jones uses in the Holy Grail movie.

On our way from Pennsylvania to Texas, Josh swerved to miss a two-by-four in the road, forgetting that we were towing my car. The towed car started jackknifing, and we screeched down both lanes of the highway for quite a while before Josh got it under control (he’s an amazing driver.)

One time on a road trip from Texas to Missouri, we spent about 4 hours singing every old church song we could think of.

We’ve put together several massive puzzles.

We’ve gone four-wheeling countless times in Montana sunsets.

We sat in front of the clicking schedule machine in the Frankfurt airport for four hours, after getting yelled at by a large German woman.

We took a helicopter ride.

One thing we haven't done together is a blog... JOSH, IT'S YOUR TURN TO POST SOMETHING.

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